Tuesday, June 1, 2010

For our city assignment we had to produce an artwork based on what had inspired us. I chose to create my own billabong advertisemnt poster as it is something i've been wanting to do and am really interested in this field of graphic desgin. I pen tooled in the design border and details while also changing the shape and colours of the photo to give a more sense of style. I thought it turned out alright for my first attempt and will continue to produce more of my own it has been something i really enjoy to do.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A day in the city

Tuesday last week, i went on an excursion into the city with my TAFE for a creative outlook expericnce. We went around to different areas such as alley was with graffiti, cafes, and 2 small galleries, which one i really enjoyed it was called outre gallery. It had various art prints of graphics, stencils and tattoo artisits who were all very talented.

These series of paintings were done by kozyndan an artist from outre gallery i observed, i thought they were cleverly done as each one has multiple bunnies forming and replacing the real shape/object that would originally be there, giving an illusion of what is and what isn't.

Another artist i enjoyed named Sylivia JI, used very fine detail within her work which i found impressive. Her use of the deep red background
also grabbed my attention as it gave a vibrant feel to it as it also gives off a gothic side to it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just bought the new John Butler Trio Album named April Uprising, once again they have impressed me, some of the songs are different to other previous songs they have made which i also love. They always cheer me up no matter what :)

So once again these easter holidays i miss out on going to bells beach to watch the pro surf tour. Would have loved to see the talent and also been a great way to boost up my driving hours, i guess i'll just have to wait another year...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My First Blog

This is my first time using a blog let alone writing one...so this i will be getting use to.
This photo i found during the week caught my attention with its silhouette image and monochromatic tones. I love how the oranges blend through from dark to light contrasting from the solid black focusing on each shape.
I also love Billabong and the surf culture which is another reason i enjoy this photograph.